Toddler Vomiting Scare

I have a 16 month old son. For the last 4 months he has had vomited at least once a week, and sometimes more. It is always when he is eating or drinking something . But it doesn't matter what he eats or drinks. He is fine after, and will still eat what he just puked up. I don't know what is causing this, and I don't know what to do about it. Do you have any advice?

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by: Ingrid Lee

Thanks for your question concerning your toddler vomiting. I am sorry to hear about his situation :o(. However, keep in mind that this is a common occurrence in younger children. Some toddlers vomit when having a tantrum or just crying, others when they have too much food in their mouth, and some for no reason at all. Even your child vomiting once a week is really not considered frequent when dealing with a toddler.

Some children have what is called an over sensitive gag reflux. This could be a possible answer. You may wish to discuss this with your pediatrician. You could also start keeping what is called a symptom journal. This is where you record when he vomits, what he was doing (like eating or crying), and what he had last to eat and drink. This could help rule out a potential food allergy or intolerance.

If you are still concerned, try talking to your pediatrician about being referred to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist. Or perhaps ask that some further testing be done, like an Upper GI.

Have you talked to your son's pediatrician concerning this issue?

Ingrid Lee
Toddlers Are

My son has the exact same symptoms
by: 21 month vomits too much

Hi there, it is comforting knowing that there are others out there with a toddler who vomits constantly. My son started vomiting when he was an infant and the doctors kept saying that he would grow out of it. He is now 21 months and still vomiting at least 2 times or more a week. We are constantly taking him to the ped dr. who always seem to think that he is sick (he has an ear infection it seems like monthly....pretty much every time we take him in). I was wondering have you taken your son to a specialist, because I am at the point where I think that this we be the only solution. We tried logging what he ate, but really it does not matter. We did switch him to lactose free milk and he did get better for awhile, but now he is bad to puking again.

my 2 yr old vomiting
by: Anonymous

My son vomit after he eats sometimes and if he coughs reAL hard I'd cries real hard. Also sometimes when he's straining to have a bm. He's been to Dr and she days its probably gag reflux but hes not gettung any better. He's always been great eater but lately he's been not eating that much. Maybe that part us just his age but I'm concerned bout the vomiting. he has a appt again today at 11:15 so we will c what she says

Let us know what the doc says
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry to hear about your son not feeling well, and I'm glad he is going to the doctor. Feel-free to keep us informed as to what the doctor says.


Ask about a milk allergy
by: Anonymous

My friends son vomited frequently and they could not figure it out. Finally they tested him for a milk allergy (I think the protein in the milk). He cut out cows milk completely and got so much better. It's not dairy, since he can have cheese, yogurt, etc. It was something about the cow milk by itself. Also my son when he was starting solids would gag on certain textures and vomit while eating. He saw a food therapist and improved a lot !!!

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