Toddler Tantrum In The Worst Way
by Amy
Hi, First off i would like to say thank you for this amazing website...i have been having some trouble with the way i should be disciplining my 2 1/2 year old daughter and i think and hope your methods work for her, im going to try then and keep you posted on my progress but as of yet your website seems to give me the answers i have been longing for.
I do however need some help with one more thing. She has an older sister who is 4 1/2 and my 2 1/2 picks on and bully's her...i know sounds odd how the youngest picks on the oldest but she constantly pinching kicking or biting her and my oldest does not enjoy this behavior from her younger sister one bit. Do you have any advice on how i could possibly stop her from doing this?? She's easily triggered for tantrums and i get so unbelievably frustrated and feel like i am doing everything terribly wrong. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for such a wonderful site :)
~ AMy D