Toddler Parenting Situation Needing Help
by Summer
Hi, I am a stay@home mom with a bright, spirited 17 month old son, Elijah. My husband and I live in Italy right now, (he is Italian, I am American), while my husband studies architecture for the next 5-6 years. I am still adjusting to living in a different country and having to learn the language. The hardest thing that I am going through right now is not having any family around to help out or to be with. I mean, my husband has two sisters (one with 2 kids and the other no children or plans for children ever) and his father. The sister-in-law is waiting on her visa to go to the States where the rest of my in-law are. They should be there in about 6 months give or take. My parents are in the States as well, but are often too busy or on the work, they do construction, so they are gone for several months at a time and out of state. We seem to be the family always on our own too, not sure why, but we are.
My question is that does it hurt a child to only have his mom and dad around? Or not to really have grandparents, aunts, cousins and such around. He has one grandfather here, who does love him, but is it enough? My husband and I are trying for baby #2, but with me having PCOS, its a rocky road right now of treatments. We are hopeful God will bless us, but there is that possibility that are son will be the only one. We are starting a pre-preschool in September, but that is months away and only for 4 months. Is there something I can do to assure that he wont be lonely? I kinda feel like I'm cheating him by not having a lot of family. Im not sure if you can answer this or if there is any answer, but thanks for taking the time to read this!