Stay At Home Dad with ADD

by Jeremy
(C-ville VA)

I have been diagnosed with ADD and have been a stay at home dad for almost two years. This has been an overall great experience until my daughter began acting like a two year old. I finished student teaching and am trying to study to get college credit for two classes while at the same time taking another class. There are so many responsibilities and distractions that my schedule does not ever work. I am trying very hard to stay on task but my head spins an I feel tense and insane. There have been maybe five or so times I really yelled at my daughter and it scared me. I take Aderall. I feel resentful that my daughter takes so much time that I might not get my teacher's license in time. I would like to work in the Fall an my wife would like to stay home next year. I don't know strategy for parents with ADD raising toddlers.

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Toddler Parenting
by: Ingrid from Toddlers Are Fun

Hello Jeremy,

Thank you for sharing your situation. I appreciate your honesty. I think that it is great how you are going to school and trying to obtain your degree.

I want to encourage you and help in any way that I can. I really think that it is important for you to look into a part time day care, babysitter or even possibly a family member to begin watching your daughter to give you a break. I can understand that money may be an issue, BUT this situation is too important and should be changed...NOW! It can be overwhelming at times with a toddler not to mention you doing schoolwork AND having ADD. Is it possible for your wife to change her schedule at all?

You obviously know your limits and you are becoming frustrated. The last thing that your daughter needs is to experience your anger and frustration as well. I encourage you to IMMEDIATELY make a change. Thank you for seeking out help and I will be praying that you find a solution. It is the best thing not only for you but your daughter. Keep me updated....


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