Potty Training Boys

My son refuses to go potty. He will sit there but not do anything, not even pee.

How do you even start????? I ask him if he would like to try and he says no.........I am afraid of getting rid of his diaper for fear he will soil the carpet......help.

What is the first step...where do I start...what do i say to my son besides "would you like to use the potty, you are a big boy now so you need to start using the potty like daddy"???

Also, for boys, do I have my son sit down for pee pee?
I am so clueless

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Potty Training!
by: Ingrid from Toddlers Are Fun

Hello and thanks for your question. The fact may be that your son is just not ready yet. Below is the link to one of my pages on tips for potty training readiness and where to begin. You do not want to train him too early if he is not ready. Children who are forced to learn before they are ready take longer to master toileting. Also typically with boys you should teach them to "stand" when learning. It can quickly become a bad habit if they are only learning sitting down. My page has some great advice for when he is ready. keep me posted!


Have a Great Evening!
Ingrid Lee
Toddlers Are Fun.com

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