Placing Another Companies Link On My Website

by Bruce Timmons

I was wondering about placing a banner and link from other companies on my website. I think I can do the html for it, but I heard this can hurt my status with the search engines. Is this true? Any information on this will be helpful. Bruce Timmons.

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Link Exchanging
by: Doug E-Business Consultant

Hi Bruce,

You asked another great question. Placing links and banners on your website is called link exchanging. This is very important, but you must be very careful.

You should typically only link with good credible websites! Linking with good sites can help you with the engines and linking with bad sites can hurt you.

Always make sure the site that you are linking too provides value to your visitors, because they come first. Also make sure the site your linking too compliments your own website.

So, in a nutshell be wise when putting links on your site. Thanks for your question and contact me anytime for an appointment



Website NEW
by: Marina Resendes

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