Only Use Diapers During Sleep While Potty Training

by Susan Grant
(Atlanta, Ga)

When I was potty training my son, I would have him wear his underwear all the time during the day, even when we went to the stores, parks, etc. I would still use pull-ups or diapers at nap time and bed time. By doing this, he got used to wearing underwear and going to the bathroom on his own. You will have tons of accidents and will be washing tons of clothes, but I feel that it is worth it in the long run. Doing this tip helped the potty training process go faster for my child. I hope this helps. Good Luck!!

P.S. Thanks for an informative site on toddlers.

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I will try this
by: Terri

Thanks for the great tip Susan. Getting a toddler used to wearing underwear is a good idea.

Is Cloth Good? NEW
by: Gale Bros

I have had similar kinds of times. I have just stopped dementia home care services giving him diapers. I mean, it brings in some rash for him. I don’t know why. So I am just using normal cloth now. Does using cloth bring any problems?

Only Use Diapers During Sleep While Potty Training NEW
by: Impt

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