by Jo Kingston
My Toddler will be 2yrs old in a couple of days and has been vomiting since he was about a month old... We knew straight away from when he was a baby that he was allergic to dairy milk ( as his older sister was, she is now going to be 8yrs old ) so we changed to SMA Wysoy milk when he was about 4months old... But still he has constantly thrown up... he could have eaten 2 hrs ago the same food he eats most times and throw ups, just from irritation( eg playing or crying or has drank too much water) or as his eating his irritated, he starts rubbing his ears and then he starts throwing up really bad.. We have now learned to manage it but its a constant battle.. This has been a constant battle for nearly 2yrs now... we are constantly watching him when his feed his food or milk because he can throw up at anytime..I had recently taken him to the Doc, because I got really fed up and i was given gaviscon, we are about to try that but I don't think it will help, the doctor said we would be referred to the Hospital...Please help, what advice can you give. Thanks