My son wins The Stubborn Prize!

by Michelle
(melbourne,victoria, Australia)

At the age of two, my son was a medley of wants and they all had to be his way. Once while I was cooking dinner, he woke up from a nap from the couch. He was grumpy as anything and placed several demands on me. He cried and screamed so much that I took him out to the back yard to let it out! I explained when he was finished he could come back inside. Well about half an hour later he decided to come in for dinner. Looking very disgruntled at his plate of food and still remembering he did not get what he wanted he picked up the dinner plate (with food on it) and hurled it across the room! I am so relieved that the days of my son being 2 and 3 are over...these frustrations were just awful. He is still a feisty, stubborn child at almost 7. ;0)

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Dinner Plates Flying...........
by: Ingrid


Yeah as parents we can all relate to the dinner plates flying across the room! Especially when they were in their high chairs. How many meals did we clean off of the carpets? LOL... your story is great, thanks for sharing.



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