Can This Be A Sign Of Something More Serious?

by michelle

My son has a bad cough, fever, vomiting. I had given him advil oral suspension, for ages 2-11. after about 5 minutes he threw it back up, do I need to seek medical attention asap?

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Toddler Fever
by: Ingrid from Toddlers Are Fun

Hi Michelle,
I am sorry to hear about your child not feeling well..:0( I would definitely take him to the pediatrician TODAY! If not, then a Stat Care or ER. Here's why....

If he is vomiting everything including the Advil, he can become dehydrated quickly. Also the ibuprofen is needed to bring down the fever. Toddlers can become dehydrated fast and it's better to go the doctor and get him checked out. It sounds like it potential may be a cold and the flu. The coughing may induce the vomiting as well. Better be safe than sorry. Not to mention the fever must come down. Please let me know how he's doing.

Take Care,
Ingrid Lee
Toddlers Are

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