Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Can you believe it is February? The time is just flying before us. I am anxious to feel Spring. Here in Ohio, the snow and freezing temperatures are still among us. There is however sunshine in the future. By the way, did the groundhog see his shadow? LOL Or does that even matter?
I do love Valentine's Day and all of the hearts and LOVE that surrounds us. My two favorite Valentines..(Doug and JeNoah) I fall in love with you both over and over every day. I am Abundantly Blessed, and I ask each of you to think of how Blessed you are with all of the special Valentines in your life. As always grab a box of Chocolates, put on your "snuggie" and fuzzy socks. Grab some hot tea with stevia ;0) and settle in to read this issue of
The Toddler Times!
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February 2011: Issue #0021
Our "Happy Valentine's Day" e-zine will feature:
- Since this is Cold and Flu season we will have the ultimate sickness survival kit. All the essentials of what you need on hand. What do you have in your medicine cabinet?
- Toddlers Are Fun is now on Facebook.... Hurry up and become a Fan. A "Facebook" only contest will begin in a few weeks and you do not want to miss out.
- Our Toddler Recipe will be "Edible Valentines"....YUM! ;0)......YUM! ;0):)
- Our Valentine's Day Toddler Craft is.... "Personalized Valentines". The entire family will have FUN making these!
- Hurry up and Sign up for the Toddler photo Contest. This Contest Ends March 31st! WOW!
Have you entered yet?
Child Health and Toddler Sickness
It is so important to promote good child health. We as parents want our toddlers to be healthy and free from sickness. That may not be the case all the time. I know that other Moms can relate to being up all night with a sick toddler. Fever, toddler vomiting and
diarrhea are not only unpleasant for your toddler, but their caretakers as well.
Having said all of that, I would like to give some tips and advice on what I feel should be your “survival kit” of sorts. You should keep these items on hand just in case you need them, especially in the middle of the night. Let’s hope that you don’t need them, but you just may and you’d rather be prepared.
The Ultimate Sickness Survival Kit
In The Medicine Chest……….
- Pain and Fever Relievers:
Stock both children's acetaminophen and ibuprofen, or the infant formulas of each. Remember to consult your pediatrician for proper dosing information. These are so useful for child health.
- Cortisone Cream:
For those itchy toddler skin rash episodes, age appropriate ** NOTE: Have doctor approved instructions pertaining to these medications at all times!
- Anthistamine:
Such as children's Benadryl Liquid. For toddler allergies or allergic reactions such as toddler food allergies. Important to keep on hand just in case you do need it.
** NOTE: Have doctor approved instructions pertaining to these medications at all times!
- Saline nose drops or spray:
These are great to help with immediate relief for a stuffy nose. Both will moisten the membranes and loosen the secretions, making it easier for your child to either blow their nose on their own, or else help from a bulb syringe.
- Nasal Aspirator:
This is necessary for babies. It is a bulb syringe that will help parents suck out all of the nasty junk in their little noses.
- Medicine Dropper:
There are many types of these. You can purchase these age appropriate. You get an accurate measure and it is easier to dispense medicines using a dropper.
- Petroleum Jelly:
When taking a rectal temperature you will need to have this on hand.
- Digital Thermometer:
Talk it over with your pediatrician which method will be the best for taking your child’s temperature. The new ear thermometers are fantastic!!! They are also easier on your child.
In the Kitchen……….
- Canned Peaches and Pears:
These are a different resource in case of a vomiting episode. If they can keep anything on their stomach, these fruits are beneficial for that.
- Popsicles:
Popsicles are my best friend when my toddler is sick. In child health you want to keep these on hand. Great for sore throats, fevers and so much more!
- Flat Cola or Ginger Ale:
This will sometimes help settle a stomach, especially when vomiting occurs. Did you know that ginger naturally will settle an upset stomach? This was a must have for me when I was going through the morning sickness phase.
- Pedialyte, either the juice or the popsicles:
My pediatrician has always told me to keep this on hand. My son would drink this when he was battling with diarrhea. It would help restore nutrients lost during illness.
In Their Bedroom………
- Cool Mist Humidifier
This is truly a must have. You are going to need this on so many occasions. I suggest you purchase one when your child is a newborn. It helps open airways when they are experiencing coughs and stuffy noses. These are great for asthma in toddlers and allergies also.
Special Note:
Another important factor in child health is to remember to be careful about these over the counter cold and flu medicines. You may be tempted to offer your toddler a decongestant… DON’T. They are no longer recommended for kids under the age of 2, and some doctors advise against giving them to older children. There is no evidence that they work and some can actually cause harm.
This is a must have survival kit for parents with toddlers. Always keep in mind that in child health, always consult your pediatrician with questions concerning illness, toddler nail biting and medicines. Even over the counter medicines. Just because you can purchase them at the drug store, does not mean you should buy them or give them to your toddler.
Toddlers Are Fun is now on "Facebook"
Have you "liked" Toddlers Are Fun on Facebook yet? Go to https://www.toddlers-are-fun.com in the right column and click "Like". You are becoming a TAF Fan. I will be having Contests only via Facebook and you do not want to miss out. The prizes are great and there will even be "mini" photo contests as well. Do not miss out and sign up today!!
You can also check it out by this link:
Toddlers Are Fun On Facebook
Our Toddler Recipe is.. "Edible Valentines" :)
A FUN Toddler recipe :0) Yummy.......
Edible Valentines
What you will need:
- Graham Crackers
- Frosting
- Candy Conversation hearts
Glue candy hearts to the graham crackers with the frosting. You can decorate as you want!

Toddler Craft Time......."Personalized Valentines"
Items You'll Need:
- Paper
- Paints or markers
- Glue sticks
- Glitter
- The Craft Bag with all the supplies
What To Do:
- Let your children get creative and make their own personal valentines. Any way they wish.
- You may have to help assist with this arts and crafts for toddlers. These valentines day crafts are tradition in our home. They can make valentines for their parents or for the other children in your class.
For more Toddler Valentine Crafts Check out my page below:
More Crafts

Toddlers Photo Contest Ends March 31st
Contest Ends March 31st!
Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Prize Package Includes:
Prize #1
Baby Rock Clothing T-Shirt!
Thanks to Baby Rock Clothes! For being a NEW sponsor to the Toddlers Are Fun toddler photo contest!
So, if you're a Cool, Hip, Stylish Mom or Dad, show the world your Baby has serious style!Baby Clothes, Rock Baby Clothes, Hip Baby Clothes, Baby T-Shirts, Rock, Funny, Punk Baby Clothes and A Unique Baby Gift for the Little Cool Star! Check out this site Baby Rock Clothes The winner of the toddler Photo contest will receive a shirt of their choice as a prize! So enter your toddler today! Prize #2
Buying and Selling Secrets to cash in on E-bay! Information about this e-book:
I have bought and sold on E-bay for years. I have some Amazing secrets to share and the winner will get to read all of them!
To check out The book the winner will receiveClick Here.
Prize #3
Become a Moms Club Member
The winner will get a Free membership for a year to the TAF Moms Club!
To check out The membership and all it's benefits Click Here.
Prize #4
The winner of this contest will be entered into our GRAND Prize "Toddler of The Year Contest" that will end December 31st 2010. The Grand Prize package will be announced later and it will truly be an amazing prize package.
We are so excited about our second contest winner!Our third contest is underway so enter NOW! New Contest ends March 31,2011 so enter today! You could win all of these great prizes! Have you entered your toddler yet? Remember that comments to your child's pictures serve as votes! Click Here To Enter the Contest Today!
Next Month...
"St. Patrick's Day" Issue
- Are you getting ready for Spring? We will have some great "must haves" for your toddler boys Spring wardrobe?
- How about a St. Patrick's Day Toddler Craft?
- An Amazing Fun Toddler Recipe that will have you turning "Green"YUM! ;0)
- Two Toddler Contests will be announced... the prizes are Amazing!!
Take Care and I speak Blessings to be poured over you and your family!
Ingrid ;0)