Are you enjoying your Summer?

Happy August!! I am not sure about you, but here in Ohio we have had a cold Summer so far. Finally this month it is starting to get really HOT! This month is also a great vacation month for families. This month is the end of Summer for most children head back to school at the end of this month. SO let's jump right into this month's exciting Toddler News!
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Happy August! Issue 005
Table of Contents for this issue:
- Vacation Travel Tips!
I have some really great tips for traveling by Car or by Plane.
- Our "FUN" Summer Recipe
We will show you how easy it is to make "Worms In The Dirt".Your kids will have great "FUN" making this.
- A "Fun" Summer Craft
I will show you how to make EDIBLE play dough. That's right you can play and eat it at the same time.
- Contest News!
The August Contest is announced......
So let's get started.............
Vacation Travel Tips by Car
* One important thing to keep in mind. If your child does experience driving sickness than you should consult your physician before you travel.
Necessary Items you will need on a car trip.
- Portable DVD player and their favorite movies. VERY IMPORTANT! If you are blessed to have a vehicle where the DVD players are built in. Great for you. For those of us who are not, there are the portable players. You can even purchase a bag that straps the player to the back of the front seat. Making it easier for your toddler to see and keeps it out of your way. This is worth it's weight in gold. Truly. Don't forget to bring their favorite movies.
- Their favorite CD's. Laurie Berkner is truly a saving grace. It's fun to ride in the car and listen to their music and sing with them. They'll love it.
- Snacks Snacks and more snacks. Need I say more than that? You know what they like. When your traveling with toddlers, have plenty of snacks. You can always stop somewhere along the road but it's better to be prepared and have enough.
- Cooler filled with ice and cold drinks. Our family always travels with a cooler. With or without kids, but especially with kids. Fill with juice, water and everything to meet your needs.
- Favorite blanket or stuffed animal etc. Anything to help them remember home and feel comforted.
- Books. They'll like to look and read. Especially the sound books. Those really help.
- Changes of clothes. You have to be able to adapt to temperature changes, or even for those spills on clothes. Especially if traveling through different states. Keep a jacket handy. Try to put "easy take off" shoes. They can be taken off easily and put on in a hurry also. When your traveling with toddlers you have to be prepared for anything.
- New toys. Go to the Dollar Store and buy some new toys. Purchase a bunch of cheap little dollar toys. These toys will help when your child becomes restless. The toys will help focus your toddler's attention on something other than the car.
If you need some additional tips on what to do when your child becomes restless on a car trip. Click here for some other Great Tips!
Vacation Travel Tips by Plane
Important Tips for BEFORE the flight.
- Make sure that you keep your child on their regular schedule before your flight. Don't try to skip their nap and think they will sleep on the plane. WRONG. The child can become over-stimulated and tired. Resulting in a very cranky child. This can make air travel toddlers bad. Just stay right on schedule. My son slept on the plane exactly at his normal nap time. If it is possible, try to schedule your flight times around their nap times and bed times. This will just make your travel easier.
- Try and feed your toddler before the flight. When you travel with toddlers who are hungry, it's not good. You want them to be nice and full prior to flying.
- Dress your child comfortably for the plane. Sweats and a t-shirt preferred. Their pajamas would be better. Easy shoes that will come off fast are recommended. Depending on how long the flight may be their shoes are going to come off. I put slippers on my son.
What to do when your child becomes restless..on the plane
Here are some tips that may help.
- Bring out one of the new toys you purchased and are in your carry on. Sometimes it may not last for long, but it does get their attention for a period of time. I have some great suggestions above.
- If the airplane has the satellite televisions turn it on the Nickelodeon channel. Our flight had the screens on the back of each seat. My son wouldn't really wear the headphones but he did watch what was going on. If your flight does not have satellite TV, this is a good time to use your Portable DVD player. Play your child's favorite movie. has great selections. Click on some today! My son watched his movie and ate a snack in his own seat he loved it. Air travel with toddlers can be like they are at home watching movies.
- Crayons and coloring books. Pull the tray table down and color a picture with your child.
- You can get up and walk around with your child. You can walk up and down the aisles, or go to the restroom.
- Bring out another new toy. This will always help stimulate their minds and distract their attention.
- When the snack cart comes around get your child their own drink. Even allow them to have a choice and pick whatever they want. They will love having their own drink and snack. Air travel with toddlers can be so much FUN!!
- Books. You can always read a book with your child.
- Let them look out the window. My little boy loved it. He was so amazed and not afraid. This really helps out with longer flights.
I have a really great list of some "MUST HAVE items you will need in your carry on bag... Click here to read these!
Have a Wonderful Vacation!
Toddler Recipes for "Worms In The Dirt and Edible Play Dough"...Yummy
Worms in the Dirt Ingredients:
- Softened chocolate ice cream or chocolate pudding
- chocolate cookie crumbs
- gummy worms
Description: Fill 9 ounce cups with either the pudding or ice cream about ¾ of the way full. Top with the cookie crumbs about ¼ inch. Put the worms on top of the “dirt” and eat!!! Kids love this one too!!
I must admit these are really good! You will have Fun making them and eating them with your kids!
Summer Craft Idea..........."EDIBLE Play Dough"
Yes this is the fun stuff. I mean REALLY fun. You can make this, play with it and then your toddler can eat it after play. WOW!! How great is that? Here is the recipe for this fantastic peanut butter play dough.
Peanut Butter Play Dough
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup corn syrup
1 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk
1 1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
Mix then knead the ingredients. Let your toddler mold and play with the dough... and after they are done playing.. let them eat it Mom. that is the best part:)

Our August Contest Is Here!

Come on Moms and Dads, we want to hear all the details. This month we want to hear the best potty training advice. I want to hear all your advice, and so do my readers! There are other parents out here waiting for help so come on share your tips. Your story will be an actual page on my site for the world to read so start sending me this great advice. I will also feature your story or advice in next month's e-zine. Everyone who submits will get a FREE E-bay Buying and Selling guide that I wrote. It is a $12.00 value. It is filled with some valuable money making secrets!! So Click here to start sharing your advice! and Have a great Month! Enjoy the rest of your Summer! Join us next month with more exciting Toddler Times News!
Join us next month when our September 2009 e-zine will feature:
- It's Back to school Time and soon to be Fall! Great Tips on How to Buy Cheap Clothing for your little one's wardrobe!
- I have some great inexpensive tips on how to remove stains from your kids clothing!
- I will feature a great recipe.. that is Fast and Healthy
"Fast Toddler Chicken Soup".
- Our August contest winners will be revealed and our September contest will be announced!
Take Care and I ask for Blessings to be poured over you and your family! Enjoy your Summer and see you next month....
Ingrid ;)