Harvest Blessings!
Harvest Blessings! We welcome The October Harvest!
This month is Fall and we welcome the Harvest Blessings it brings. The weather is changing and the leaves are turning into their beautiful colors. Take the time to go on a walk and pick up leaves with your family. (You can use the leaves for our craft this month....) Enjoy some apple cider, pumpkin cookies (LOL I know where you can find a great recipe..) and go on a hay ride and welcome Fall! Winter is peaking it's head right around the corner. Harvest Time Is Here!! So let's start sowing and reaping!
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October 2009: Issue 007
Table of Contents for this Issue:
How to turn your toddler's Used Clothing into a profit!
That's correct Mom's I will pass on my tips and secrets.. You will learn how I save so much money.
Our Harvest Toddler Craft this month is making great Fall Place mats for the table
Your toddler will have Fun making these and your dinner table will look great!
- Our Harvest Toddler Recipe is......Pumpkin Cookies
These are not only easy to make are Yummy to eat!
- Learn one of the healthiest snacks around......
I will give you a few hints ( It is perfect for this month and You will need a pumpkin..:)
- Blessing News! Our October and November Contest or "Blessing" is announced!!
So let's share the Harvest Blessings and enjoy this issue of The Toddler Times together!
How to turn your toddler's Used Clothing into a profit!
I am serious parents, I have used these tips and techniques and have literally not had to spend any money on my son's clothing, from season to season. Please just give it a try and think of all the money you will save.:)
- One of the key rules is you must have "play clothes" and "good clothes". The same rule applies with shoes. I even go as far as to have play coats and good coats. The reason for this is because you will be able to re sell their clothes and potentially make a profit. Especially if they are name brand.
- You must keep the good clothes and shoes in like new condition. If a stain gets on your toddler clothes, try and treat the stain immediately. I also only buy my son white sneakers for good shoes. They clean up easily and you can always throw them in the washing machine with bleach. This helps them stay in perfect condition. Now play shoes I will buy any color.
- Resell at a consignment shop. You should try and sell on Ebay first. Then if you can't sell certain items, take them to a local consignment shop. There are some shops that will pay you cash or give you store credit. It still allows you to get something for the used clothing. That way you can take the money and go buy new clothing. I highly recommend that you sell on Ebay first though.
- RESELL your clothing on EBAY. This piece of advice is priceless. You can not only save money by purchasing on EBAY, but you can make your money back. That is why you should keep their clothes in Excellent condition. If you are not familiar with EBAY then now is the time. To buy and sell.
I never have to come out of pocket for his new wardrobe EVER!! I stand corrected, maybe for socks, underwear and t-shirts. I basically recycle his toddler clothes. Sell the old and buy new. You really have to keep them in Like New condition to get a good price for them. It is easy all you need is a computer and a digital camera to sell. It works and it is fun to watch your auctions and see what they sell for.
*** I am offering an E-Book that I wrote with priceless tips about Ebay. I have compiled some tricks for you to make the most when you sell, pay the least when you buy. So check out my e-book, click the link below.. and get yours Today! ***
E-bay Buying and Selling Guides
There are other moms looking for cheap kids clothes too. Why not let them buy your used toddler clothes? I am always able to resell my son's clothes and shoes after he outgrows them. After selling them, I then go and buy his clothes for the new season in his new size. I do this with coats and his shoes as well.
So there you have it. Saving money can be so easy. It can be fun to find a good deal. When I find bargains it just makes me so happy. I love it. My husband calls me the "queen" of finding a great deal. He can be so right sometimes.
Remember to have fun with these tips. Life is stressful enough. Anyone can do these steps. So enjoy all the extra money you are going to save after you shop for those cheap toddler clothes!!!
Our Harvest Toddler Craft this month is making great Fall "Harvest" Place mats
These are a joy to have on the table for any meal!! Any crafts for toddlers are FUN to make and even to save for years to come!! Items you will need:
- Construction Paper
- Markers / Crayons
- Stickers
- Clear Contact Paper
- Photographs or Pictures
- Leaves or any thing they wish to "collect" from an Autumn nature walk
- You take a piece of construction paper and allow your toddler to decorate it as they wish. With the leaves you collected or stickers, any way they want to. For Example: You can draw pictures of pumpkins and allow them to color. Glue feathers, use stickers and just let your toddler have fun with it.
- When they are all done then take the clear contact paper and cover their creation. These are great for the table Happy Harvest!!
Our Harvest Toddler Recipe this month is.. " Pumpkin Cookies"
Our Harvest Toddler Recipe this month is... Pumpkin Cookies that are not only easy to make but are Yummy to eat!
- Pumpkin Cookie Cutter
- Sugar Cookie Recipe or you can buy the pre made refrigerated cookie dough roll)
- Decorations: Frosting: orange, green, black You will need candy corn and sprinkles....
- Using the cookie cutter cut out Pumpkins in the sugar cookie dough and bake as directed.
- Allow"Pumpkin" shapes to cool and then decorate.
- I allow my toddler to spread orange frosting all over and then we make a green stem and use candy corn for the eyes, nose, and mouth. All of the kids will have great "FUN" making these cookies... We celebrate Harvest!
Our Healthy Snack is yes..... Pumpkin Seeds
You will definitely have to monitor toddlers while eating this snack but you won't believe how healthy roasted pumpkin seeds are! Your kids may not realize it, but these toasty treats are loaded with minerals such as zinc,iron, and magnesium. Don't forget about the protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fatty acids. WOW! All from a pumpkin seed...
To make a batch of seeds:
- Just scoop the seeds from your pumpkin and rinse them well.
- Blot the seeds dry with a paper towel
- Toss them with a tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive oil for each cup of seeds and salt to taste.
- Spread the seeds on a cookie sheet and bake at 375 degrees until golden brown. (usually about 10-15 minutes.
YUMMY and healthy!

October and November Blessings!
What are you thankful for? What is your toddler thankful for? Have you really thought about this question consistently, every day? Sadly most people do not. I decided that I wanted to change that. If you have ever taken the time to ask your toddler what they are thankful you would be amazed at how innocent and pure their responses are. I want to challenge you parents, to start asking your toddlers and yourself each day what you are thankful for. I want to do this for October and November because the need I feel is great. We should be doing this with our children every day all year long. I want to hear all about it! I also want to hear your ideas on how we can make a difference to help someone else. "Harvest Blessings"into lives that need help. We want to hear how you and your toddler pay it forward. I will honor any blessing you share with my readers with a free e-book. At the end of November I hope the prize you receive is the gift of giving with a pure heart.
Next month is our special Thanksgiving Issue! We will feature Blessings upon more Blessings! I am Honored to have all of you reading The Toddler Times with me! Thank You and I will see you next month! Join us next month for more exciting Toddler Times News!
Our Thankful Thanksgiving Issue will feature:
- The greatest gift you can share with your toddler is the gift of giving. Learn what you can do to make a difference and teach your child values at the same time.
- We will have two amazing Thanksgiving Day Toddler Crafts
- I will feature a great Toddler Thanksgiving recipe.. "Toddler Pumpkin Pie French Toast". :)
- Our Harvest Blessing Months will Continue!
Take Care and I ask for Blessings to be poured over you and your family! Enjoy your Harvest and see you next month....
Ingrid ;)