Summer Fun!
Summer Fun!
Did you have a great July 4th? Fireworks and picnics. Here in Ohio it is blazing HOT!! We are experiencing some fairly high temps. The kids are living in their pool and I cannot keep enough popsicles in the fridge...LOL So turn on your air conditioning and pour some Iced Tea ( with lots of Ice and Sweetened with Stevia) ;0) put your feet up and read this issue of
The Toddler Times!
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July 2010: Issue #0016
Our "Summer Fun" e-zine will feature:
- Going on a vacation? I will have some great tips for vacationing with a toddler...:)
- Toddlers Are Fun has a new LOOK! YEAH!!
- We have a great Cool Summer toddler recipe "Home Made Ice ICE POPS" ;0) Yum! Our recipe is going to be FUN!:)
- We have a Fun Summer Toddler Craft...."Paper Plate Fish"
- Our First Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Winner! Our new contest is announced This contest is so Cool you will have NO CHOICE but to enter WOW!
Vacations With Toddlers

Vacations for toddlers? Come on, I know what you are thinking.... If you ask others for advice they will tell you that you should just stay home and wait until your toddler is older before you take a trip. I disagree. You can plan a great vacation that includes your toddler. They deserve to have some fun too.
I decided to give you a few suggestions. You don't have to be afraid or dread taking a vacation with your child. I have great travel tips by car and by plane that will help you survive any trip with a toddler. So then you have to decide where you want to travel to. Remember to have a great Time with your toddler.
Potential Vacations For Toddlers
Beach Stays:
This is probably still the easiest vacation to take with a toddler. This is also Mom's favorite...LOL Imagine laying on the beach in the warm sun while your toddler plays in the sand on a secluded beach. There are even some resorts (all be it few) that have organized programs just for toddlers (2-3 years old). Most hotels and resorts offer group or private childcare for a fee, cribs, bed rails and other child amenities. Many have kitchenettes, which allow you to make meals on demand, or offer free meals for children eating with their parents. Several are self contained villages, or near towns that just require a walk with the stroller or backpack.
You will want to make sure there is plenty to do. Some toddlers may not want to be in the sun every day for hours. Plan other activities so you can change and get out of the sun on some days. I could sit on the beach for hours, but toddler comes first! :0)
I have been told that Disneyland is better for toddlers just because of the size. Disneyland is more compact, making it more child friendly. Your toddler cannot go on any of the adult rides, they can still go on It's a Small World, Casey Jones' Train and other gentle rides along with other, more exciting rides such as Pirates of the Caribbean, the rockets in FutureLand and the car ride in Toon Town. The parades and fireworks will amaze them, and even slow them down a little. I would recommend staying in a hotel right by the park, which makes for easier and frequent returns. If you stay at any of the three Disney hotels, they also offer a concierge service, where they offer all day beverages, morning continental breakfast, afternoon wine and cheese and evening coca and cookies. To make your holiday more relaxing and less overwhelming, try to go during the week, especially when school is in session. You will be able to get on rides quickly, see more up close and avoid great crowds. Disneyland also offers a service to parents with children - the family stands in line, and when it's your turn, one parent can get on the ride, and on the return, switch places with the other parent so he or she can ride next.
To learn more about vacations for toddlers to Disneyland Click Here!
I have heard good reviews and bad reviews about taking a cruise with a toddler. If your child is under 2, this might not be the nice relaxing holiday you've dreamed of. Many cruise ships do not have private childcare available, and only a few have childcare options for children under 3 years of age, usually with a charge of $6/hr or more in a group setting. Most do not have a care option on port days. Carnival Cruise Line is one company that provides fun, well organized daily programs for children 2 and older at sea and while in port. Beware, the cruise ships are very strict about their age policy for joining the youth programs. You can check out Disney cruise ships as well. Research the cruise completely before deciding to take a cruise with your toddler.
To learn more about vacations for toddlers on Cruises Click Here!
Local Vacations:
These are the best! You can stay only a few hours from home. An amusement park or indoor water park. There are even some resort hotels in your area that are FUN! The kids are just as happy! We have visited some indoor water parks that have been so much fun and were like 45 minutes away from our home! If you don't feel like extended car travel or air flight, then locally is great. Not to mention these type of vacations are good on the budget! So check out what great options are near you!
Vacations for toddlers can be Fun for the entire family. As parents you just have to get creative and think of the best option for you. Remember that every toddler is different. You should do the best vacation fit for your toddler as well. I wish you the best vacation and have a Great Time!
Toddlers Are Fun has a new LOOK!
Toddlers Are Fun has a new LOOK! I am so excited that my website is looking Amazing! Please check it out because we here at TAF are happy to share it with all of you. Thanks again for all your support!
Click here to view the new Toddlers Are Fun!
Our Toddler Recipe is.. "Ice Pops" :)
A COOL Toddler recipe :0) Yummy.......
Ice Pops
* Fruit Juice Ice Cube Popsicles *
I don’t know about you, but I loved these as a child. My sisters and I used to make these everyday. We grew up with not much money so we loved these. You can use 100% fruit juice to make them healthy.
- Ice cube trays
- Fruit Juice of choice
- toothpicks
- plastic wrap
Description: These are really easy and fun. My toddler loves making these and than eating “his own popsicle”. Just take your fruit juice and fill up the ice cube trays with the juice. Take your plastic wrap and wrap over the tray very tightly. Stick toothpicks in each section of the tray. Place in the freezer for about 5 hours. Remove the plastic wrap and hold the bottom of the tray in hot water. Pop out and enjoy!!!
* Toddler Craft.... Paper Plate Fish*
Toddler Paper Plate Fish Craft
What you'll need:
- Paper plates
- Yellow, blue and purple paint
- Paint brush
- 1 googly eye
- Scissors
- Glue
How to make your Paper Plate Fish Craft
- Cut a small wedge shape out of a paper plate to create a mouth.
- Turn the plate upside down and paint the backside yellow.
- Cut a banana shaped piece from the rim of another paper plate to create a tail. Paint this piece blue/purple.
- When the pieces are dry glue the tail piece in place.
- Glue a googly eye above the mouth.

Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest!!

Toddlers Are Fun Baby-Toddler Photo Contest Winner!
It's finally here, our first winner! Teagan is our first winner. Here is the prize package that she has won.
Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Prize Package Includes:
Prize #1
"Let's Model" Hard book!
Information about this book:
Hello. I'm Renee' Lauren owner Models Fashion Advice. I've spent l5 years in the modeling industry and if there is one thing I've learned it's "What It Takes To Be A Model". I have over l5 years experience working as a Modeling Agent for a Top New York Modeling Agency Representing Models from New York to Paris Photo Shoots we have booked Children and Teens for Include Well Known Macy's .Toys R US . Hasbro. Seventeen Magazine .Girls Life Magazine. Parents Magazine. J.C Penneys .Vogue Magazine .Tommy Hilfiger. Abercrombie and Fitch. MTV. Disney. After years of being asked the question How Can My Child Become A Model? I am going to answer that question I am going to share with You all My Secrets and Tips.
To check out The book the winner will receive from Renee' Click Here.
Prize #2
Buying and Selling Secrets to cash in on E-bay! Information about this e-book:
I have bought and sold on E-bay for years. I have some Amazing secrets to share and the winner will get to read all of them!
To check out The book the winner will receiveClick Here.
Prize #3
Become a Moms Club Member
The winner will get a Free membership for a year to the TAF Moms Club!
To check out The membership and all it's benefits Click Here.
Prize #4
A $25.00 Gift Card to The Childrens Place
The Childrens Place has amazing clothes for toddlers at reasonable prices. The winner gets $25.00 On Toddlers Are Fun! Wow!
Prize #5
The winner of this contest will be entered into our GRAND Prize "Toddler of The Year Contest" that will end December 31st 2010. The Grand Prize package will be announced later and it will truly be an amazing prize package.
We are so excited about our first contest!Our second contest is underway so enter NOW! New Contest ends so enter today! You could win all of these great prizes! Have you entered your toddler yet? Remember that comments to your child's pictures serve as votes! Click Here To Enter the Contest Today!
Next Month...
End of Summer Blues Issue!
- I will have some FUN outdoor activities for your toddler...:)
- A craft that the entire family will enjoy!
- A Yummy recipe that your entire family will have a "Blast" making......YUM! ;0)
- Have you entered our photo contest yet? Why Not?
Take Care and I speak Blessings to be poured over you and your family! Remember to love each other, see you next month....
Ingrid ;0)