Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Me and my family are just loving this time of year! Especially here in Ohio we are experiencing TONS of snow. JeNoah loves it and surprisingly I do too. (Remind me that I said that in February..LOL So do you have all of the shopping done, cookies baked, oh we can't forget about the wrapping? I am on time for everything and just truly feeling Blessed and remembering the reason for the Season! This Merry Merry Christmas issue is going to be FUN! So grab your cup of hot chocolate ( with lots of marshmallows);0) and put on your fuzzy slippers and read this issue of
The Toddler Times!
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December 2010: Issue #0019
Our "Merry Merry Christmas" e-zine will feature:
- What Christmas Means To Me...........
- Two FUN Toddler Christmas Crafts: You can even double these crafts as a great gift idea: We will make CANDY CANE FRAME ORNAMENTS and "Magic" REINDEER FOOD.
- Two Fun Christmas Recipes: Snowman Doughnuts and Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Cookies......YUM! ;0):)
- Hurry up and Sign up for the Toddler photo Contest. This Contest Ends December 31st! WOW!
What Christmas Means To Me........
Society in general can get so caught up in the materialistic portion of Christmas. We can sometimes lose sight of the important stuff. It happens to all of us. We want to get our child the latest and greatest toys that are on the market. I decided to write about what Christmas means to me and I want to share it with all of you.
What Christmas means to me...........
- The meaning of Christmas is so near and dear to my heart. I had a terrible childhood. Through all the bad, came patches of good in the form of Christmas's spent with my 3 older sisters. WOW! Those memories I will carry in my heart always. I think we all can relate to trying to stay up all night on Christmas Eve so excited. We would try by eating potato chips and drinking chocolate milk.
My sisters and I would have a Candy Cane eating contest. We would try and eat one of those huge candy canes but, the golden rule was you could not bite it. You had to just lick it all night long on Christmas Eve. Those are the good memories. We would sneak downstairs to try and catch a glimpse of the tree and the presents underneath. Then the four of us would each grab our stockings, and sneak back upstairs, quietly.
We were ornery. We would take our stockings back up to our room and empty them out and look at all of the goodies we got. After we were done putting everything back inside (minus a few pieces of candy… LOL), one of us would take all of the stockings back downstairs. I guess that is why I love stuffing stockings so much for my family. That memory I will cherish forever.
When I was growing up, my parents didn’t have much money so we never really received big elaborate presents. I however treasured my filled Christmas stocking more than anything.
That truly was enough for me. That is what I looked forward to every year on Christmas morning as long as I lived at home. My same stocking that I had since I was 5 years old. So Christmas to me means memories and traditions. That alone was the ultimate gift.
So you see, the picture is greater than just toddler Christmas pajamas. It is about making memories that your toddler will remember and maybe pass on to his own family one day. Your child may just take your family traditions with them to pass on from generation to generation. Really sit and think about how incredible that can be.
Now don’t get me wrong we do buy gifts for our son, but it is by no means extravagant. It also is not the sole basis for Christmas or the holiday season. It is a time of giving, not only to your own family but to others who are needy as well. You should practice serving others not only at Christmas time but all year long.
Christmas means to me that you have to stop and take a look at the past and the present, because your present just may turn into your toddler’s future. I never realized that at 5 years old I would carry on the Christmas stocking tradition to my son. It is truly amazing when I think about it. He is living my memories and doesn’t even realize it.
That is the power that a single tradition can hold. So I think now you can understand how important toddler Christmas pajamas are to me and my family. The tradition is the best gift of all that I can give to him. This holiday season make memories that will last a lifetime. Start a new tradition and remember to hold your past memories close to your heart.
From the Lee Family to yours...Have a Blessed Christmas !!!
ChristmasToddler Crafts...
* CANDY CANE FRAME ORNAMENT * (with or without photo)
Items you’ll need:
- Candy Canes (small or large)
- Glue
- Felt (red or green)
- Ribbon
- Scissors
- Form a heart with two candy canes and then glue at the top and the bottom. Allow to dry.
- Run ribbon through the heart and glue to the top of the candy canes.
- Trace the heart’s outside edge onto two pieces of felt and then cut out.
- In one heart cut on oval or square window. Line up photo in window, and glue in place. Let dry.
- Glue candy canes frame to felt.
There you have a wonderful ornament. These also make great gifts!! These toddler craft ideas are so much fun!!
Items you’ll need:
- Oatmeal
- Un popped Pop Corn
- Glitter
- Ziploc Bags
- Pour about 1/8 cup of oatmeal in bag.
- Add some glitter and pop corn.
- There you have it!! Your "magic" reindeer food.

Our Toddler Recipe is.. "Snowman Doughnuts and Reindeer Cookies" :)
Two FUN Toddler Christmas recipes :0) Yummy.......
Snowman Doughnuts
He'll melt in your mouth: Microwave canned white frosting on high for 10 seconds. Dunk 24 plain doughnut holes in frosting; allow to set. On half of the holes, squirt on eyes and a mouth with chocolate tube frosting. Stick in a dried papaya triangle for the nose. Make a hat with half an Oreo Mini and a piece of an Oreo Cookie Stick. Place a fruit-leather scarf on top of an undecorated doughnut hole. Top with the face.
"Red Nosed" Reindeer Cookies
Slice pieces from Pillsbury's Simply Peanut Butter cookie dough in half. Shape into 1-1/2" triangles and place 3" apart on cookie sheets. Bake 8 to 10 minutes, or until lightly browned. While they're still warm, push a mini chocolate pretzel (we used Flipz) on each side to resemble antlers. Let cool completely. Ask the kids to make the face: Attach brown M&M's Minis for eyes and a red M&M nose with frosting. Makes 24.

Toddlers Photo Contest Ends December 31st
Contest Ends December 31st!
Toddlers Are Fun Photo Contest Prize Package Includes:
Prize #1
Baby Rock Clothing T-Shirt!
Thanks to Baby Rock Clothes! For being a NEW sponsor to the Toddlers Are Fun toddler photo contest!
So, if you're a Cool, Hip, Stylish Mom or Dad, show the world your Baby has serious style!Baby Clothes, Rock Baby Clothes, Hip Baby Clothes, Baby T-Shirts, Rock, Funny, Punk Baby Clothes and A Unique Baby Gift for the Little Cool Star! Check out this site Baby Rock Clothes The winner of the toddler Photo contest will receive a shirt of their choice as a prize! So enter your toddler today! Prize #2
Buying and Selling Secrets to cash in on E-bay! Information about this e-book:
I have bought and sold on E-bay for years. I have some Amazing secrets to share and the winner will get to read all of them!
To check out The book the winner will receiveClick Here.
Prize #3
Become a Moms Club Member
The winner will get a Free membership for a year to the TAF Moms Club!
To check out The membership and all it's benefits Click Here.
Prize #4
The winner of this contest will be entered into our GRAND Prize "Toddler of The Year Contest" that will end December 31st 2010. The Grand Prize package will be announced later and it will truly be an amazing prize package.
We are so excited about our second contest winner!Our third contest is underway so enter NOW! New Contest ends December 30,2010 so enter today! You could win all of these great prizes! Have you entered your toddler yet? Remember that comments to your child's pictures serve as votes! Click Here To Enter the Contest Today!
Next Month...
Happy New Year Issue!
- Having Potty training issues? TAF can help..,"
- We will have a 2011 craft the entire family will enjoy
- We will have an Amazing Toddler friendly recipe.YUM! ;0)
- Toddler of The Year Photo Contest is launched... the prizes are Amazing!!
Take Care and I speak Blessings to be poured over you and your family! Remember the reason of the season is Jesus Christ, see you next year....
Ingrid ;0)